Education and Employment
2019 (Oct.) - present Research associate, Prof. Yukio Hasegawa's group
The Institute for Solid State Physics,
The University of Tokyo
2018 (Nov.) - 2019 (Sep.) Postdoctoral Researcher, Prof. Maria Iavarone's group
Physics Department,
Temple University
2016 (Oct.) - 2018 (Oct.) Postdoctoral Researcher, Prof. Yuji Matsuda's group
Department of Physics,
Graduate School of Science,
Kyoto University
2013 (Oct.) - 2016 (Sep.) Ph.D. Degree, Supervisor: Prof. Yukio Hasegawa
Department of Applied Physics,
Graduate School of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo
2012 (Apr.) - 2013 (Sep.) Daiken Medical Co.LTD
2010 (Apr.) - 2012 (Mar.) Master Degree, Supervisor: Prof. Yasuhiro Sugawara
Department of Applied Physics,
Graduate School of Engineering,
Osaka University
2006 (Apr.) - 2010 (Mar.) Bachelor Degree, Supervisor: Prof. Yasuhiro Sugawara
Division of Applied Science,
School of Engineering,
Osaka University
2003 (Apr.) - 2006 (Mar.) High School Diploma
Mikunigaoka high school in Osaka prefecture
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